Accelerate more revenue from search with the #1 SEO Agency in Oakland, CA

Take your business’s online presence to new heights, acquire more visitors, increase brand recognition, and accelerate more revenue with DexDel – the top-rated SEO agency in Oakland, CA. With detailed research and competitive analysis, DexDel can give you a competitive edge by taking your business above your competitors.

Our dedication to providing the finest SEO services in Oakland, CA since 2011 has resulted in our clients achieving an impressive revenue of over $1.5 billion. This remarkable accomplishment indicates why 92% of businesses have chosen to continue partnering with us for the long term, extending far beyond the initial 12-month period.

Are you ready to claim the top spot in relevant search results and see a boost in leads, organic ranking, and revenue? Trust DexDel’s strategic SEO services to take your business to new heights. Take advantage of this opportunity – reach out to us today using our contact form or by calling +1 (510)-722-7972 to speak with one of our SEO professionals.


Services We Offer

Get the finest Local SEO Services to drive revenue with DexDel. Whether you’re running a local business with one location or a franchise with hundreds, DexDel has the experience to meet your business’s goals with our proven strategies. Our service includes local keyword research, citation management, Google Business Profile Setup and Optimization, Reviews Management, and Monthly Reporting.

Improve your site speed, establish an SEO-friendly navigation, and help search engines crawl and index your site with our Technical SEO Service. Our expertise team fixes technical SEO errors such as On-Site Optimization, JavaScript Optimization, Performance Optimization, and Core Web Vitals Optimization. Trust DexDel to boost your website and drive revenue to new heights.

Improve your search rankings and enhance your online credibility with our proven link-building techniques. Our highly professional link-building experts can make your business valuable using white hat strategies. It includes guest posting, resource link building, broken link building, Skyscraper Link Building, and outreach link building. Trust Dexdel for the entire backlinks prospecting and acquisition process from start to finish.

Grow your online business with our ecommerce SEO services. Our highly professional SEO team experts are familiar with using and optimizing platforms like BigCommerce, Magento, Shopify, WordPress, and more for e-commerce SEO. Our services include Ecommerce SEO Strategy, keyword research and optimization, product markup, product image optimization, Google Analytics Setup, Google Search Console Setup, and monthly reporting.

At DexDel, we provide YouTube optimization services to enhance your channel’s performance by boosting views, likes, comments, and subscribers. Our process involves conducting thorough keyword research, customizing your thumbnails, promoting your videos, and engaging with YouTube comments. With over 30 experts specializing in YouTube SEO marketing, we ensure that your channel is in safe hands.

Optimize your Pages to Rank Better With our On-Page SEO Services. It includes optimizing Meta Title Tags and Meta Descriptions, Headings Setup to Structure Your Page, Optimizing URLs, Adding Internal Links and External Links, including and optimizing images, optimizing page speed, target featured snippets, and schema markup setup. DexDel On-page SEO experts have optimized hundreds of pages and helped clients of multiple niches improve their rankings.

SEO Process

As a well-known SEO Agency in Oakland,CA, we take great pride in crafting an SEO process that carefully integrates industry best practices. Our step-by-step process guarantees that your business meets and exceeds its digital objectives.

Ready to Grow Your Business?

Hire DexDel As Your Next Oakland SEO Agency

Why Choose DexDel as Your Oakland SEO Agency?

Proven Track Record of Success

We Value Integrity

At Dexdel, we hold integrity as a fundamental principle. When doing business, we believe in honesty, integrity, and a sincere heart for others. We are trustworthy, especially with information and high-risk tasks. At Dexdel, we maintain the highest levels of responsibility, ensuring confidential matters are safeguarded with utmost care.

Proven Track Record of Success

Our Services are Affordable

At Dexdel, the pricing we extend to businesses worldwide is truly unmatched. We are committed to providing trusted services, measurable results, and an inexpensive price structure. Our top priority is your satisfaction and achieving your company goals via offering the best pricing.

Proven Track Record of Success

We Deliver On-Time

We have clarity on the project’s purpose. That’s why we create our plan with the result in mind, ensuring the end goal is apparent during the process. We value the significance of time, and therefore we strive to complete the project within the agreed timeframe. Additionally, we also give our clients weekly progress reports and communicate with them through the process.

Proven Track Record of Success

Ethical SEO Practices

As a reputed SEO agency in Oakland, CA, we remain committed to ethical SEO practices as the cornerstone of long-term digital success for your business. Our efforts at ethical SEO will safeguard your online reputation and position it for lasting long-term success within the digital sphere.

Proven Track Record of Success

Robust Analytics and Reporting

We use robust analytics tools to monitor the success of digital initiatives. By providing you with insightful reporting and detailed analyses of the effect of SEO, we offer better online visibility, traffic levels, and conversion rates. With this data-driven approach, we equip you to make more informed decisions regarding implementing digital strategy.

Proven Track Record of Success

Client-Centric Approach

Our success in every project hinges on you. With that in mind, every client-centric project begins by prioritizing your goals and aspirations first and foremost. Your satisfaction drives our passion, so we go the extra mile to ensure our SEO services meet and surpass your expectations.


Our Clients Say

We take immense pride in our commitment to client satisfaction. But you don’t need to rely solely on our word. Read what our valued clients say about their experiences working with us.

We are delighted with the substantial growth that Dexdel promises and delivers. The team is extremely friendly and knowledgeable. As a result of their team’s hard work, our organic traffic has surged by an impressive 200%. We have been with DexDel for about three years and have experienced solid ROI growth. Without a doubt, they stand out as the best SEO Agency in Oakland, CA.
- Jack Taylor -
DexDel is the best SEO agency in Oakland,CA and I have worked with them for six years. I’ve dealt with several different SEO companies in Oakland,CA, but DexDel is far superior. With proper communication and understanding, our goals are met and exceeded. Their team delivers fantastic results in just a short period.
- William Evans -
Our SEO project began less than seven months ago, and so far, we’ve been delighted with the quality of service and professionalism from DexDel. Out of 20 targeted keywords, 14 are already ranking on the first page. Their team helped give our website a direction we could not have accomplished ourselves. If you are looking for the best SEO Agency in Oakland, CA, look no further!
- Ross Berry -

Frequently Asked Questions

Our metrics include local search rankings, website traffic, conversion rates, and user engagement rates. By evaluating these key performance indicators, we offer you detailed reports that showcase the effectiveness of our local SEO efforts while offering guidance for ongoing optimization strategies.
Our approach is to stay up-to-date with the latest search algorithm changes. Our team regularly updates and monitors algorithm shifts to adapt our strategies accordingly. This ensures your business maintains a solid online presence despite an ever-evolving search landscape.
Our SEO services in Oakland are developed with an in-depth knowledge of Oakland’s local market in mind. By tailoring our approach specifically for this vibrant community, we ensure your business gains a competitive advantage, resonates with local audiences, and thrives in a competitive market.
Absolutely. Our SEO specialists specialize in optimizing location pages to increase your business’s local search presence by strategically including relevant keywords, landmarks, and accurate business information – our goal is to increase your visibility in local search results while drawing in potential in your area.
Off-page factors, particularly backlinks, hold more weight than on-page ones for rankings. Search engines, like Google, Bing value the off-page activities and use them as an SEO ranking factor.